Supplementary guide

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and more examples, we recommend you watch the video above.

Step 1: See the performance of your Google Search Ads

  1. Go to Performance > Paid > Google Search in Dreamdata

  2. Focus your analysis on the current year's spend.

  3. Measure this against the sales qualified opportunities (SQLs) generated to gauge the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

  4. Apply ‘Non-Branded Search’ Filter. This is crucial since branded campaigns inherently have higher engagement when people search for your brand on google.

Step 2: Analyze campaign spend and performance

  1. Scroll down to the ‘Campaign Performance’ table to review the cost breakdown per campaign.

  2. You can also see the number of SQLs each campaign has influenced or contributed to, from a multi-touch attribution perspective, offering a clearer picture of cost-efficiency.

  3. Utilize the report to understand the cost per opportunity for each campaign.

  4. Evaluate what each campaign is generating in terms of revenue and the overall return on ad spend (ROAS).

Step 3: Scale your best-performing campaigns

  1. Have a look at the campaigns with the highest performance.

  2. If your best-performing campaigns are only capturing a small share of impressions but generating significant SQLs, consider increasing your investment in these.

Step 4: Drill Down to Keyword-Level Analysis

  1. Switch the grouping from campaigns to keywords. Now you get the same cost breakdown, so you can see how much you've spent per keyword and assess the cost-effectiveness of generating SQLs from those specific keywords.

  2. Identify which keywords are most cost-effective in driving SQLs.

  3. Decide whether the investment in each keyword is justified and consider reallocating your budget to those yielding the highest returns.

Following these steps will enable you to scrutinize and optimize your Google Search Ad campaigns and keywords effectively.


How to optimize your Google Search Ad campaigns and keywords